When you enroll at Susquehanna, 您将与顾问和应用工具配对,以指导您的课程计划和安排. 以下是节选自 complete course catalog. 入学的学生遵循学年课程目录的要求,他们在其中宣布每个专业和/或辅修, 咨询他们的导师和学生 Academic Planning Tool.
学生通常在萨斯奎汉纳大学的八个学期中每学期选修一门荣誉课程. Students must earn a grade of C- or better in all Honors Program courses. All Honors courses satisfy specific combinations of central Curriculum requirements. 只有荣誉学生可以注册荣誉课程.
Students participating in the Honors Program must maintain an overall grade point average of 3.在萨斯奎哈纳,每学期40人. If a student earns any grade below a C- in any Honors-designated course, the student, 由主任决定, 会自动从荣誉课程中除名吗. The director of the program reviews students’ GPAs at the end of each semester. 如果荣誉学生的平均绩点低于3分.40级,学生将收到警告信. 第二学期成绩低于3分.平均绩点达到40级,学生就会被开除.
During the first year, 学生必须成功完成HONS-100 Thought, 哪个侧重于思想及其表达, 以及以下内容之一:HONS-200思想与文明, an interdisciplinary look at literature and cultures; HONS-210 Thought and The 艺术, which focuses on Western aesthetics as seen in varied artistic forms; or HONS-230 Analytical Thought-Logic, a course that examines symbolic logic as the generative epistemology of the scientific method.
In their sophomore year, 学生必须成功完成HONS-240思想和社会多样性或HONS-250思想和自然科学, 哪些提供跨学科的方法. Sophomore Honors students also must successfully complete HONS-260 and HONS 261, the Sophomore Colloquium, 在其中,他们与一个选定的主题跨学科的观点,并写一个反思作品集.
As juniors, 学生必须成功完成HONS-301系列研讨会的八个学时,以促进跨学科的参与. 如果所选课程是学生专业的一部分, the student must submit an “honors-level contract” to the Honors Program Director describing, 咨询教练, how the course assignments for the honors student differ from the other students’ work. 由于一些HONS-301研讨会偶尔会作为不符合中央课程要求的选修课提供, 学生需要检查中央课程类别的个别课程描述,并与荣誉课程主任沟通任何需要的等效调整.
荣誉课程在荣誉研究项目中达到高潮, 将跨学科框架应用于学生选择的主题的体验式学习项目. The research project must last for a minimum of two semesters (two courses, with a minimum of 1 SH each), 并且可能是围绕学生的顶点项目建立的. 学生可以在完成大二学术讨论会(HONS 260+HONS 261)后注册HONS-450课程。, and after the project proposal is officially accepted by the Honors Program Director, 这需要确保一个学术研究导师. The conclusion of the research project must include a public presentation, 通常是在荣誉计划组织的论坛上.
The Honors Program aligns its courses with Central Curriculum requirements, however, 荣誉课程满足荣誉学习目标,遵循国家大学荣誉委员会的指导方针. For Honors students, 满足中央课程要求的方式可能与课程目录中定义的中央课程要求的方式不同. 参加中央课程课程的荣誉学生应该考虑是否选择荣誉课程来满足这些要求. 完成荣誉课程要求的学生也满足了中心课程的跨学科要求. 对课程有特殊关注的学生应该向荣誉课程主任和/或副主任寻求额外的建议.